Industry, Economic and Consumer Trends for 2017


Industry, Economic and Consumer Trends for 2017


Marking Criteria:
1.     Integration of widely researched theories and practices: 25%
2.     Effectiveness in addressing the main issues/discussion questions: 25%
3.     Justification of arguments and position by widely research support: 25%
4.     Use of references and/or secondary sources to add new, relevant topics to the discussion: 25%
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According to Euromonitor International (2017), there are a series of factors that will affect consumer spending across different industries in 2017. In the first place, consumer retail will be affected by increased political uncertainty in advanced economies in 2017. Political changes such as the Trump presidency which has sent economic shockwaves around the world, as well as the UK’s exit from the European Union, will affect consumer spending as the uncertainty is likely to make consumers less willing to spend large amounts of money as they do in times of relative political peace.

Word Count: 400