Influence of Art And Culture On Slavery


Influence of Art And Culture On Slavery


Assignment Objectives:

  • Discuss the influences of art and culture on slavery.
  • Identify contributing factors relating to the Slave Trade.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation, using at least ten slides, demonstrating one aspect of art (literature, visual arts, or music) as it relates to slavery.

In your presentation please consider the following:

  • Be sure to clarify your points relating any influences you choose to mention.
  • Use examples to illustrate your points.

Answer preview

The role of art within a society is complex because of the several functions it serves and through the its very existence as a creative processes. Throughout the slave trade regardless of the horror conditions of the enslavement artistic traditions continued. For slaves, there was little opportunity for overt displays of creativity therefore most artistic traditions of the Africans were destroyed in the West. However, the irony is that there demand of creative African to work in the colonies as craftsmen in metal, wood, pottery,  and cloth.

Slide count: 10