Influencing Factors in Deciding to Undergo a Cosmetic surgery


Influencing Factors in Deciding to Undergo a Cosmetic surgery


Write a literature review on Influencing Factors in Deciding to Undergo a Cosmetic surgery

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The idea of people wanting to change their appearance in body and/or facial areas has become a caught the attention of many people, which makes it important to engage in extensive exploration of the central pull and push factors to the act (Berer, 2010, p. 6). In this case, the main aim of this paper is to collect some secondary data from prior studies, write a summary of each source, and then conduct a review of the research findings presented in the studies. Focusing on engaging in a proper exploration of main influencing factors for people to undergo cosmetic surgery, the research question to guide the process of acquiring substantial information is, ‘What are the main matters of concern in decision-making of people to require a cosmetic surgery?’

Word Count: 2200