Innovating for the Safety Net


Innovating for the Safety Net


Read the case develop an opinion about how this might enable or retrain your future career (depends on where you work). What aspect of this case is the most useful – why is that the case?

Do you think reading this case was useful or useless – why? This case is unlike the others we are working with – selected because it is more interesting to read than a textbook and it tells a story.

For you initial post respond to my questions and share with us your impressions – there is no right or wrong here.

I want to see you striving to understand. I know these are nebulous instructions – go with it, relax into it – you are going to be great. If you have concerns call me and we can discuss.

Answer Preview 

The case reading on Safety Net is useful, especially in planning for social programs benefitting a vast number of individuals in a community. One of the advantages witnessed with the Safety Net programs is that it helps millions of people escape poverty. It provides various mechanisms through which it supports the most vulnerable in the communities to escape poverty. It also gives highlights of how well the government would establish social programs to assist vulnerable people in a country. Safety net programs are having a substantial impact on the national fight over poverty based on households’ national data. However, the Reading provides that the only challenge in implementing safety net programs is the availability of funds to support the initiatives even though there are emerging payment models to support the implementations (“Innovating for the safety net: Practical considerations,” 2020). Innovators providing solutions towards safety net should, therefore, consider choosing a strategic focus, need for statement development, pursuing funding sources, and filtering the needs for developing viable solutions to challenges in the programs.

Word Count: 500