Integrating Safety into the Workplace


Integrating Safety into the Workplace


For this assignment, you will start with “Lab Exercise 2.04: Integrating Safety into
the Workplace” on pages 18-20 of your lab manual.
1. Complete Step 1.
2. In Step 2, do #1 and #2.
3. Add the following to your presentation:
Include slides that provide images of a person wearing an anti-static
wrist strap and installing components into a PC.
Include slides that illustrate how to fill out an MSDS.
Include slides that illustrate how to properly dispose of computer

Your PowerPoint presentation must address all of the following:
1. Illustrate the results of your research in a minimum of seven slides.
2. The first slide must be a title slide that includes the title of the
presentation, date, your name, and course name and number.
3. The last slide must be a reference slide using APA formatting. You are
required to use at least one resource from the CSU Online Library.
4. Use the speaker notes section to discuss your slides so that the reader
may follow along.
5. Be sure to include in-text citations and reference(s) in APA format to
properly cite your sources.

Answer preview

ESD is a fast discharge of electric current that occurs between two items with different charges as well as different numbers of electronics. It is clear that this electrons exchange usually creates a bigger electromagnetic field buildup which results to ESD. Specific electronic gadgets are vulnerable to reduced-voltage ESD. Electrostatic induction and static electricity are the most common causes of ESD (Loeppke et al, 2015). On the other hand, material safety data sheets (MSDSs) is document containing information regarding potential hazards such as reactivity, fire, health and environmental. This document also explains how to work safely with the chemical product. It is a fundamental beginning point for the expansion of a complete safety and health program. Old computer equipment can be disposed properly by ensuring that data is destroyed in order to deny malicious people from accessing the data. E-waste technique can be used to dispose old computer equipment. In addition to this, other alternatives of recycling might also be used.

Slide count: 9