Interface between attention and consciousness


Interface between attention and consciousness


Our writing assignment for the week deals with the interface between attention and consciousness. After learning about the cocktail party phenomenon, please describe a scenario you may have encountered in your life that seems to fit the description of the phenomenon. Also, after reading about the phenomenon known as ‘inattentional blindness’ and watching the video demonstration (the basketball clip), I want to know your reaction to this video. Does it surprise you that ‘missed’ some crucial information watching the video the first time?

Papers should be written in APA format and should be 1-3 pages in length. Please be sure to address both the cocktail party phenomenon and inattentional blindness.

Answer Preview 

The cocktail phenomenon refers to the ability of focusing on a single talker or conversation in a noisy environment (Bachmann, Breitmeyer, & Öğmen, 2007).  Personally there are some cases in which I have experienced the phenomenon. Being a soccer player, there is one day out team had qualified for the championship. It was hard work of all players so there was a party organized for all the soccer players as well as the other students. Our team was the last to qualify so it meant that that was the time that we could organize for a small meeting with the other teams mates. The venue was hired in some local joint and there was loud music with everyone seemingly enjoying themselves. However the meeting had to run according to schedule so everyone sat down and we busy strategizing midst the playing music and the other people talking in the background. The place was full with people therefore in the meeting; the captain had to project his voice so as to hear what he had to say.

Word Count: 600