International Business


International Business


Describe, using academic references, the international challenges and possible opportunities for managers operating in a global environment.
Provide a recent practical example of an Australian organisation which has faced the challenges of international competition and expansion. You can use companies which have been in recent news, such as Qantas, or Ford, for sources.
Give your personal view of how some of the conflict generating and solutions could have been handled in a more effective process.

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Globalization has changed the manner in which companies are running their business today. This has been impacted greatly by technological advancements that have allowed companies to work at an international level. However, globalization has presented a problem for international management, because managers have been forced to learn about how to work with different nations (Patel et al., 2019). Subsequently, this has resulted to more challenges for managers, as they have to deal with problems, ranging from legal, political, and economic issues, as different nations have a different set of rules that they have to adhere to in the daily running of the business.

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