International Market Venture (The Case of Cowboy Chicken)


International Market Venture (The Case of Cowboy Chicken)


Based upon either your workplace literacy report, your proposal, or your infographic report, you will give a formal presentation that will last approximately 8 minutes. Imagine that your classmates
and instructor are the intended audiences of these projects, such as workplace colleagues or other
stakeholders. You’ll want to make sure that you provide these typical elements of a professional
-Introduction (especially one in which you connect to and engage your audience)
-Agenda (in which you forecast the main points you are going to be talking about)
-Background (if necessary; the context for your presentation)
-Key Point #1
-Key Point #2 (etc.)
You’ll want to make sure that you have an electronically-mediated visual guide for your audience, which may be a simple PowerPoint presentation, Prezi, or other digital possibilities. In addition to the electronic presentation, consider a handout for your audience. Make sure that you recall our design discussions when you create your visuals. You will be evaluated according to these following criteria:
-Your purpose and audience awareness (Have you met the rhetorical purpose of the presentation? Have you provided enough background so that your listeners are aware of your problem and what motivated your research? Have you attempted to make your talk relevant for your audience? Have you provided significant findings, conclusions, and recommendations?)
-The effectiveness of your introduction and conclusion (Have you engaged, found common ground with, and shown your audience why they should care about your presentation? Will they be able to retain something from your presentation?)
-Your organization (Have you provided your audience with an agenda or “road map”? Do you provide oral transitions between major sections of your presentation and between important points? Do you tell your listeners where you are going?)
-Your use of visuals (Design aspects? Readability? Are they rhetorically appropriate?)
-Your delivery (Formality? Appearance? Eye contact? Gestures? Voice? Eye contact?)
-Your attention to time.

Answer preview

Globalization has opened doors for international commerce and venture. Expanding into an international market is important today because it helps the business to create a broad revenue source for its products or service. While entrepreneurs conduct their businesses outside their countries of origin, extreme care should be considered. In this case, several factors need to be considered before entering a particular market and to ensure that the new business venture is successful. The most crucial factors to be considered are the communication barriers, consumer behavior, and culture (Jeffreys, 2011).

Slide count: 12