International Marketing (The Case of Tata Nano)


International Marketing (The Case of Tata Nano)


Words: 3000
References: 30 minimum (Harvard).

1. Read the case study
2. Answer the questions at the end:
a. What could be the main reasons for Tato Motors entering the global ultra-low cost
car market?
b. What are the competitive advantages that Tato Motors would enjoy with teh Nano
in emerging markets?
c. Which screening critiera would you suggest for Tata Nono's IMS process?
d. Which world regions and specific countries would you suggest Tata Nano should
enter after India and China?

1. Title page
2. Table of contents
3. Introduction: A brief summary of what you are going to discuss and how
4. Main Body:
a. You should conduct a thorough and critical analysis of your relevant areas of
discussion and support your discussion and what you write with evidence. This
means that you must support each assertion, arguments or point you make with
references to relevant theories, models and concepts in the literature that support
your point. Also, where possible, you can support your points by facts and figures,
and real life examples.
b. Remember that you must cite all your sources in the text properly.
5. Conclusion: You must draw together the main points discussed in each question to conclude.
6. References
7. Appendices: This includes relevant information but may not be central to the main body of
the report or may interrupt of the flow of the argument. This material does not count
towards the word length. Any information in the appendices must be cross referenced in the
main body of the text

Key references (MUST BE USED):
1. Ghauri, P.N. and Cateora, P. (2014), International Marketing (4th Edition), London: McGraw-

Answer preview

International marketing is essential for firms looking to expand beyond the home country borders. It helps companies to introduce their products to foreign market. Strategic international marketing entails the adoption of smart approaches aimed at appealing to the targeted market (Chang, 1995). In the automobile sector, globalization has offered a great deal of opportunities, and this has bene reflected in the extent to which sot automobile makers and dealers have established global presence.  The automobile market is highly globalized, and while competition in the home countries is fierce, the firms are always looking to expand into new markets (Salam, 2011). The given vase of Tata Motors is an example of a firm that has seen notable success in the home country, India. It has also penetrated the global market with its varied automobile products. Looking at the case of Tata Nano, it is notable that the parent company comes up with the idea in an effort to increase profitability and grow its market share, by focusing on an unexplored or neglected market segment (Tellis, 2010).

Word count: 3601