


Question 1:
Describe TCP and UDP, and how they differ.  Why do both protocols exist?

Questions 2:
In your own words, briefly describe each of the address types that are IPV4, and IPV6, and provide a
scenario when each is useful for an organization.  In particular, differentiate link-local, unique local and
global addresses.

Answer preview

Transmission control protocol (TCP) and user datagram protocol (UDP) are standards or set of rules in telecommunication used to send packets of data over the internet. The two protocols have many similarities, but TCP/IP is the most used. This, however, does not mean UDP/IP is less essential, it is much faster allows partial in case of failures. In TCP the process of data transfer is much slower since the protocol ensures errors are checked, and in case there is an error in transmission, the whole process of transmission is restarted again (Kristoff, 2000). The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a standard that establishes how data is relayed from one end to another with high latency, no error, and high reliability. TCP provides host-to-host connectivity at the intermediate level of the Internet Protocol.

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