Internship At The Hospital


Internship At The Hospital


Complete an Internship Portfolio.  This will be a professionally organized, typewritten set of documents that details your internship experience. The quality should be such that you would be proud to give it to a potential employer as an example of your work.

The Portfolio must include the following items: The signed Learning Agreement, each weekly report with signatures, 2-3 page narrative that discusses what you have learned about yourself and the profession during the internship (how you have grown professionally as a result of the internship and areas for your future professional growth), a summary of any special projects in which you were involved, and your perception of the strengths and weaknesses of the internship and recommendations for improvement.

Answer preview

I undertook my internship at a hospital in the local area; however, there was so much that I learned during this period.  First, there are numerous things that I learned about myself, in that I learned that is a fast learner. Even though I understood that I had an ability to learn under any sort pressure, I was not aware of how fast I could learn.  The thing that one is not told in class is that things are not as theoretical as they seem, in practice things are very different. The rationale for this is that, when I began my internship I was aware of the concept of credit balance.

Word count: 908