



You are to discuss each sentence below by providing a 100 words response for each (yes, I will
count the amount of words for each of your posts).
1. Explain to the class what you think an interrogation is (think of its definition) and couple this explanation with “the psychology of persuasion”
2. What is the role of police deception in interrogations and what makes an interrogation successful?
3. Explain to the class the differences between a non-emotional offender and emotional offender. Also, how do you think a forensic investigator should approach each offender when interrogating him/her?

Answer preview

Interrogation is questioning by law officers, military investigations personnel and intelligence officers did with the intention to educe useful information from a suspect or witness during a criminal case investigation. The ultimate goal of questioning is to draw out a confession from a suspected criminal. Interrogation involves various displays of skill that range from persuasion after developing a rapport with the suspect (Gudjonsson, 2003).  Skilled interrogators reshape the suspect’s discernment of the nature of his condition, the options and the penalty offered.

Word count: 335