Interview for a Clinical Therapist


Interview for a Clinical Therapist


For this project, you will be interviewing an individual who currently has employment with an organization that involves some form of social interaction.

For this milestone, you will perform the following activities:

  • Anticipated social psychological topics– Each week we are learning new behaviors and phenomena that take place relating to social psychology. Identify at least one behavior from each of the chapters that we encounter (chapters 1-11) to relate to what you learn about the individual’s job/career. This list will need to be made prior to the interview so that questions can be related specifically to those topics. You may add more terms to the list after the interview is concluded.
  • Interview – Create questions (at least 11) related to the topics chosen in the chapters. Remember that you are the expert in social psychology, and therefore, your questions should be phrased to collect information about that topic. You would NOT say something like: “Is there any social loafing here?” This is because the participant may not understand what social loafing is, like you will. Instead, ask a question like, “What tasks in your job require more than one person to work on a project? In your opinion, does everyone put in the same effort for group projects?”
  • Write a rough draft of the information you have Anticipated social psychological topics and Interview questions portion of your final project. There are no formatting requirements, but all questions above are expected to have an answer. Write using complete sentences.


Answer preview

Me:  Does affect, behaviour and cognition affect your social behaviour and that of your clients?

Interviewee:  Yes, the concepts help us in promoting fruitful social relationships. Cognition assists us in understanding and interpreting our thoughts and those of the other people. Subsequently, we cultivate attitudes and schemas to socialize better with the other people.  Affect involves the emotions and moods among other feelings that we experience in our lives. The principles of social exchanges and altruism influence our social behaviour. The knowledge is essential in executing my responsibilities as a clinical therapist that would promote the quality of service I would deliver to the patients.


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