Into the woods


Into the woods


These are essentially reviews, asking you to assess 1) the intention of the author, 2) the intention of the director, and 3) how you feel the production is or is not relevant to 2017.

For part 1, you will be expected to provide evidence for your arguments cited directly from the play texts, and from whatever scholarship you can find on other plays written by the author or written about the author. For Part 2, you will be expected to provide evidence directly from the films seen in class, citing specific images of acting style, costumes, set, etc.

Answer preview

The play provides an insight on the things that people desire do not in all cases work to their advantage.  The author in the film intends to inform the readers that sometimes when something is lacking in our life there is a reason for it because the moment we get what our hearts desires as we do achieve it at any cost, then we become disappointed as the same thing become a tragedy in our lives. The theme is depicted by the stories of different characters in the film, which is something that the author clearly achieves. Moreover,  the author provides an insight to the readers that the lives of individuals are intertwined in one way or another; hence, helping each other without any form of jealously can help in resolving many of society’s problems.

Word count: 1294