Into the woods- musical : Movie Review


Into the Woods- musical: Movie Review


Write a movie review paper on the film Into the woods

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In this play, the author is attempting to convey that community solidarity is crucial especially in times of crisis. The community reflected in this play showed unity during the Aids crisis thus making the entire community devise different ways of overcoming the crisis. In addition to this, the author is attempting to explain adolescence and its sophisticated truths. Apparently, there are many challenges that are encountered by adolescents as they interact with different people in their daily routines. For example, the movie brings to the limelight a girl’s first sexual experience as one of the challenges faced by young girls. Moreover, the filmmaker is attempting to convey that positive thinking and attitude can make people accomplish different life goals. Generally, the author is conveying that people need to embrace the idea of working together because it is the only way people can realize their abilities.

Word Count: 600