Intrapreneurship is a good use of corporate resources


Intrapreneurship is a good use of corporate resources


Task: Answer ONE of the following questions-

  1. “An established corporation offers different opportunities and constraints to entrepreneurial behaviour than a start-up firm”. Explain what this statement means.
  2. “Intrapreneurship is a good use of corporate resources”. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Take care to explain your answer.
  3. How might an established corporation use extrapreneurship as a mechanism for renewal and transformation? Use at least one example in your answer.
  4. Are traditional management techniques incompatible with fostering corporate entrepreneurship? Explain your answer.
  5. What are the typical advantages and disadvantages to a large corporation in adopting corporate venturing? Use examples in your answer.
  6. Why are decentralised organisational structures better suited to facilitating corporate entrepreneurship than rigid centralised structures? Take care to include at least one example in your answer.
  7. How might an entrepreneur use Porter’s Five Forces? What disadvantages in using the Five Forces should an entrepreneur be aware of?
  8. Why do disruptive technologies threaten the large establish corporation? What strategies can a large corporation implement to cope with disruptive forces? Use at least one example.

Words: 2300-2499

References: 19, Harvard.

Essential reading

  1. Burns, P. (2012). Corporate Entrepreneurship. 3rd Edition, Palgrave.
  2. Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D., Camp, S.M. and Sexton, D.L. (2006). Strategic Entrepreneurship. Blackwell.
  3. Sathe, V. (2003). Corporate Entrepreneurship. Cambridge University Press.
  4. Bessant, J. and Tidd, J. (2007). Innovation and Entrepreneurship. John Wiley & Sons.
  5. Kuratko, D.F., Morris, M.H. and Covin, J.G. (2011). Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation. South Western Cengage Learning.

Answer preview

The word has been experiencing entrepreneurial transformation, as new ventures continue being built, while existing companies have expanded greatly. However, there are those existing firms that have stagnates, for a wide range of reasons, one of which may be the failure to keep at par with emerging market trends and innovate aggressively to remain competitive. The idea of intrapreneurship describes the phenomenon where a firm engages in intra-corporate entrepreneurship creating new solutions and pursuing sustainable growth. Intrapreneurship is a practice aimed at rejuvenating or redefining an existing company, with main purpose of realizing growth (Burns, 2012). Considering the features of intrapreneurship, it is not entirely unreasonable to hypothesize that it is a good use of corporate resources.

Word count: 2781