Introduction to Industrial Relations


Introduction to Industrial Relations


Vivenne works at Seaside Restaurant [see the Bray et al. textbook at pages 10, 33 and 245], but she is
looking elsewhere for employment. She knows you are studying Industrial Relations at Uni and she
comes to you looking for advice. She does not know what the minimum standards are in the industry,
but she does know some of the potential problems with this type of employment. In particular, she wants
to make sure that any job she moves to:
-does not rip her off in the wages she receives,
-has fair working conditions, and
-gives her some input into the rostered working hours she gets.
What advice would you give Vivienne about how to achieve her goals?

Answer preview

The aim of this essay is to provide proper advise for Vivienne on the procedure and practices, as well as least standards and awards that are presently in place in the Hospitality industry.  The researcher will present facts that will be supported by current legislation, scholarly research to enable Vivienne to make a sound decision.  Moreover, the author will provide answers in regards to   Vivienne application to any job, which will not rip her off in the wages she receives, has fair working conditions and gives her some input into the rostered working hours she gets.

Word count: 1331