Iran vs. Saudi


Iran vs. Saudi


Write an essay Iran vs. Saudi

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Within Islamic societies, people are governed by the existing Islamic law aimed at guiding the population towards ensuring that they live a holy life (Zubaida, 2005). Contradictions always exist regarding what needs to be considered as right due to the differences in the denominations. Each of the two denominations believes that they remain the legitimate upholders of the Islamic religion and hence should be granted the right to protect Islam. Traditionally, conflicts remained limited as religious warfare occurred between religions and not within a religion, as observed by the current division between Shia and Sunni Muslims in the Middle East region. Religious conflicts have become a source of political rivalry in the Middle East.

According to the Islamic religion, the Khalifah remains the title that was given to the ruler in the Islamic world. The leadership is based on succession and has been the source of power within the Islamic world. This approach to command results in the illegalization of democracy within the Islamic societies (Atwan, 2015). While this could be the real leader in the social setting, they lack political power and remain mainly religious leaders. Within the Islamic world, therefore, the right to leadership emanates from within the spiritual roles performed by the purported leaders.

Word Count: 2200