Iron (Two Most Important Functions)


Iron(Two Most Important Functions and its use in Digestive System)


You are required to have 2 peer-reviewed references for the topic you have chosen. Minimum of 500 words, NO more than 750 words or approximately 3 paragraphs (expected range of 500 to 750 words) plus your references for your answer please.

ChoseĀ one of trace minerals: iron, copper, zinc, selenium, iodine, chromium or fluoride and pick one topic below for your research.

  1. Explore one or two of the most important functions of the chosen mineral.
  2. How is this chosen mineral used in or by the digestive system?
  3. How does this chosen mineral help keep the body healthy?
  4. What happens if the body is depleted or low in the chosen mineral?

Answer preview

Two most important function of iron in human body include helping in production of production of enzymes, and becoming part of the haemoglobin to help bind oxygen with the blood cells for effective transportation from lungs, through the arteries, to other body cells in the whole body (Gupta, 2014 and A Nelson & Co Ltd, 2016). In this case, iron, in the haemoglobin, plays an imperative of ensuring that the highly demanded oxygen throughout the body is sufficiently delivered. Once the oxygen in the blood cells has been used, iron is also involved with binding carbon dioxide onto the haemoglobin to ensure that it is safely delivered to the lungs for purification process called oxygenation.

Word count: 657