Is David Really A Good King?


Is David Really A Good King?


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Anybody who reads this story will not only cringe in shame, but in anger as well. This is not what anyone would refer to as ‘good’ in the sight of human or God. In fact, in the same book of 2nd Samuel chapter 11[1], it is written that God was displeased with what David had done. Surprisingly, God made an astonishing claim when he spoke to Solomon, the son of David. In the book of 1st Kings 9:1-5[2], God told Solomon in verse four that he would establish his royal throne over Israel if he walks with Him as his father did. According to the verse, David walked in uprightness and with integrity of heart. This contradicts everything that the book of 2nd Samuel chapter 11. However, this is not surprising as far as the nature of God is concerned. The bible is not short of verses that talk about the forgiving nature of God. This is what could be the reason why God referred to David as a man with a heart of integrity and who walked with uprightness.


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