Is Major Conventional War Still A Threat?

Is Major Conventional War Still A Threat?


  • The most important point to take from this essay guide is that each academic essay that you write must be built around a central argument. Unless you do so, you will find it hard to meet many of the assessment requirements and, therefore, difficult to get a good grade.
  • Essay questions generally address issues where there is some controversy as to what the correct answer is. Your goal is to develop a good answer, not to find the correct one.
  • A good answer is persuasive because it is (1) clearly argued, (2) clearly organized, (3) well researched, and (4) well written. That is why the assessment requirements focus on assessing how well you have done each of these four things.


You need to convince your reader that your argument is correct.  You can best do so by presenting your argument in a clear and well-reasoned fashion.  The structure is therefore very important.  A well-structured essay allows you to get the best of your argument across to your reader.  A poorly structured essay may mean that a good argument is lost in the confusion.

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The recent developments across the world have raised a vital debate, regarding whether the world could still find itself in a conventional war, much like World War I, or II. Such questions are fueled partly by the fact that there is an ever-growing number of individual and state actors working towards amassing deadly weapons and destabilizing the peace of the world (Major, 2016).

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