Is the screen always new?


Is the screen always new?


The way that people see films, television, and other screen-based content has changed dramatically
over the last century. Yet sometimes, the ‘new’ is deeply informed by the history of the moving image,
and is perhaps not quite as new as advocates would like you to believe.
Is the screen always new? In this essay, you will examine a contemporary screen platform, such as:
-The multiplex cinema
-Streaming video on demand
-Piracy and informal distribution
-Digital broadcast television
-Screen and media museums/galleries
-Smart phones
-Or other forms of exhibition
You will historicise and contextualise this form of exhibition, and mount an argument as to how new this form truly is.
Your essay must draw on at least SIX peer reviewed sources. Up to two of these may be drawn from the essential reading in this unit. This is in addition to any other research materials you might use for the project (films, television episodes, reviews, press coverage, news media, etc).

Answer preview

Modernization has become the foundation of many signs of progress that society has made in the media circle. In many ways, history has evolved from the use of basic media to relay information from one place to the recipient. The recipient has also gradually appreciated the media evolution due to its development and availing a variety of options in presenting data and information from across the globe. Nevertheless, the means of displaying the information through various channels through screens have equally changed. While some view these changes as only a reflection and repeat of history, others think that the present technology projections give a new face of video presentation through the various screen-based platforms.

Word count: 1190