Is there a relationship between workplace stress and fatigue?


Is there a relationship between workplace stress and fatigue?


Write a proposal for a hypothetical research project that could be used to investigate one of the following research questions:
1. Does a Bachelor of Arts degree cultivate social skills more effectively than a Bachelor of Science degree?
2. Does “Treatment X” (a hypothetical new treatment for depression) work?
3. Is there a relationship between workplace stress and fatigue?
4. Is anxiety related to the experience of auditory verbal hallucinations (hearing voices that no one else can hear)?
5. Does contact with people living with mental illness decrease stigma about the experience?
You must perform the following tasks in your proposal.
1. Provide an introductory statement for your research proposal. This statement should be written in the form of a single paragraph that:
a. Clearly articulates the topic you have chosen;
b. Establishes the importance of the topic;
c. Provides definitions for important terms.
2. Develop and report a hypothesis for your study. You will notice that each of the research questions above ask about some sort of relationship between variables. Whatever type of relationship you choose to examine, the hypothesis you provide should capture the nature of that relationship.
3. Discuss the variables that you will examine in your study. Identify the variables for your proposed study from your chosen research question. If appropriate, report which variable is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable.
4. Discuss how you will measure the variables in your study. Discuss how you will measure the variables that you identified in Task 3.
5. Choose and describe the research design that you would use in your study. Name and describe the research design that you would choose to investigate your question.

You answer should discuss:
a. what participants would be asked to do;
b. if and how participants are to be grouped or not;
c. potentially confounding variables and how you could control them;
d. your plan for data analysis in simple terms.

Answer preview

The purpose of the proposed study is to investigate the relationship between stress and fatigue. The study will establish the possible effect of emotional and physical factors and their influence on stress. Exploring this topic will help to demystify the cause-effect relationship between work-related strain and emotional stability. Work-related strains are believed to cause emotional stress, but prior findings did not establish the particular role of fatigue on stress and vice versa (Rose et al., 2017). Fatigue refers to a physical and mental state of mental exhaustion while stress refers to the reaction of the body and mind to a condition, and requires an adjustment to settle back to stability (Wilson et al., 2017)

Word count: 631