Issues and Concerns with Patch Management


Issues and Concerns with Patch Management


This research paper will focus on issues and concerns with Patch Management.  With the advent of many types of software and systems, patch management is a major nightmare.  Patching the system may cause the system to crash, and not patching it can leave it vulnerable to attacks.  Please research the issues and concerns with patch management and provide your views on the topic. Please consider this at an enterprise level where the complexity is increased exponentially with the increase in the number of systems.

Paper Requirements:

  • APA Format
  • Number of Pages: Minimum of 2 Pages not including Cover, Table of Contents, and References.
  • Safe – Assignment comparison will be done

Answer Preview 

Lack of report availability is one of the issues and concerns associated with patch management. Lack of access to comprehensive reports is a recurrent challenge with many business organizations. This clearly means that patching reports that are not detailed can make most of the devices and applications face some serious challenges including the entire system. In addition to this, there are many unexpected patch failures because a large number of patch systems are not developed with the ability to detect incidents in advance that might lead to a patch failure. Apparently, when patch failure takes place, it exposes the system to vulnerabilities and attacks as the outcome of a patch that is considered to be corrupt (Mizzi, 2011).

Word Count: 650