Issues Surrounding Assisted Living


Issues Surrounding Assisted Living


Prior to discussion watch the “Life and Death in Assisted Living” documentary.   Originally produced in 2013, the documentary highlights concern with Assisted Living facilities.  The central issue is what is the right level of care for the elderly.  Be aware that the documentary highlights some of the worse cases.  In addition, you should be initially aware that assisted living facilities and skilled nursing facilities (nursing homes) are distinct.  Lastly, and not surprisingly, as the level of care increases, so does the cost.

In short, the kind of care and level of care will be distinct between these two types of health facilities catering to the elderly.  As you might surmise, nursing homes are more expensive as the professional staff includes more nurses, doctors, occupational therapists, and physical therapists.  As a result, the level of care is understandably higher than at an assisted living facility.

Link to video below (or Google: PBS Frontline Assisted Living)

Frontline: Assisted Living (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

In your post accomplish the following: Identify a tension from the documentary you think important as it applies to an allied health professional of your choosing (e.g., nursing aid, nurse, …).  Your initial post should describe the tension (or lack of), identify relevant ethical principles or values so far learned, and pinpoint the role of evidence in identifying such a tension.  In addition, address whether you think the tension centers on identifying markers for when intensive assistance should turn into a skilled nursing (aim to identify what those markers are – i.e., evidence).

In may help when you identify a tension to pose it as a question that reflects the conflict or dilemma. Make the question specific. One of these forms may help: Given facts about the case, conflicting principles, or uncertain information, what action(s) are justifiable?   <or> : Given facts about the case, conflicting principles, or uncertain information, is it justifiable to do (some action)?

Answer preview

From the documentaries watched on PBS, it is obvious that many Americans are increasingly seeking out the services of assisted living facilities. From the name, it is obvious that the real people who are admitted to these facilities are actually in need of assistance because their families are unable to provide. Unfortunately, these facilities are unregulated and they have time and again been the subject of several controversies. From the documentary, one biggest source of tension is the absolute lack of assistance to the clients admitted.

Word count: 363