Joan Acker’s “Hierarchies, Jobs, and Bodies (A Theory of Gendered Organizations)


Joan Acker’s “Hierarchies, Jobs, and Bodies (A Theory of Gendered Organizations)


Write a critical summary of Joan Acker’s “Hierarchies, Jobs, and Bodies (A Theory of Gendered Organizations)

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The project involves the following staff; General Manager, Finance Department, Human resources Department, two programmer analysts, and a network analyst as has been depicted in the organizational chart above. Tony Prince will be the project manager. As the project manager, I will be responsible for the execution and completion of the entire project. It will be my duty to oversee the success of the project. The general manager office will be supported by the Finance and Human Resources Departments in executing its mandate. The finance department will be responsible for budgeting, cost analysis and ensuring all the project activities are funded accordingly. The Human Resources department will be responsible for managing the other employees in different aspects including the payroll, and productivity and performance.

Word Count: 1400