Journal Volunteer Questions


Journal Volunteer Questions


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  1. In what capacity have you served as a volunteer prior to this experience?

Prior to this experience I have for a long time volunteered as a valet in a festival held in my hometown. I manage and supervise the parking of cars and also escort people who are crossing the street especially the children. Together with group of young men we ensured the festival attendees’ cars were parked properly and securely as well as those crossing the road made it to other side safely.

  1. How are you different from some of your peers?

While some of my peers view volunteerism as an obligation to do well in this course, on this my views and those of my peers diverge. I enjoy serving others and making a difference in my community as I believe that makes me more empathetic to the plight of others and I can contribute to alleviate this in any way I can. Additionally, unlike my peers, I believe such experiences make me grow in become an all rounded person.

Word count: 613