Journey in Business Undertaking

Journey in Business Undertaking


The opportunity to reflect upon the learning journey comprises:

  • informed reflection of learning experiences about entrepreneurship and innovation,
  • theoretically referenced appraisal of specific gains from the learning process, and
  • a concluding position statement signaling future aspirations for entrepreneurship, innovation, and business ventures.

Write an essay (950 to 1000 words) that critically reflects (not describes) your learning experience through the term.
Consider influences on personal choice, changes in perception, and a shift (if any) concerning professional aspirations.
Signal whether the learning experiences have shaped a change in your appreciation of entrepreneurship, innovation, and new ventures

Answer Preview

To be a good entrepreneur, it is necessary to brainstorm and come up with different innovative ideas before determining which of them are most viable and then creating plans for the implementation of the chosen few. For any entrepreneur, observation of the wider community is extremely important because it gives him or her the opportunity to identify existing gaps that require new products.

Word Count:1200