Juno Movie Analysis
Watch the movie “Juno”, paying particular attention to the scenes dealing with abortion.
Write a 1-2 page paper in which you answer ALL of the following:
-Briefly summarize the plot of “Juno”
-Even though Juno decides not to get an abortion, do you think the movie paints a positive or negative portrait of abortion? Why or why not?
-Choose one non-consequentialist theory you studied this week. Briefly summarize this theory in 1-2 sentences.
-Does this theory support abortion as an option or is it anti-abortion? Explain your answer.
Answer preview
Movie analysis: “Juno”
Juno is a story told over four seasons, starting in autumn when a sixteen-year-old high school girl by the name of Juno realizes that she is pregnant. Notably, Juno was from Minnesota and she discovered that she was pregnant after she engaged in unprotected sex with Bleeker who happened to be one of her best friends. In an abortion clinic, the whip-sharp and quirky Juno takes the decision of giving birthplace the baby with an adoptive couple (2:36).