Kava: A Herb for Anxiety


Kava: A Herb for Anxiety



Look up one herbal remedy that you have heard about but don’t know very much about on the NCCAM website. Bring website address and description of how to get to the information. Write a three paragraph description of why you were interested in this particular herb, what you found and what you learned. 1 APA 6th page

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The herb that I chose to explore in this write up is Kava. The information about the herb can be found on the NCCAM website (now NCCIH), with the specific link being this: https://nccih.nih.gov/health/kava. After opening the NCCAM website on the home page, there is a syndicated tab entitled “Herbs at a Glance to the left of the home page. Clicking on it redirects the user to an alphabetical list of common herbs and botanicals, one of which is kava.

I chose to explore this particular herb because I have heard and read about it before, but I did not have detailed information.

Word count: 315