Key Issues in Marketing


Key Issues in Marketing


Words: 2000
References: 15 minimum (Harvard). Try to use references from Moodle (see below).
1. Chose ONE of these 6 articles (can be found on Moodle):
a. Bradshaw, A., and Zwick, D. (2014).
b. Caruana, R., Glozer, S., Crane, A. and McCabe, S. (2014).
c. Chatzidakis, A., Hibbert, S., and Smith, A. P. (2007).
d. Hunt, S. D., and Vitell, S. (1986).
e. Smith, N.C., Drumwright, M.E. and Gentile, M.C. (2010).
f. Wilkie, W. L., and Moore, E. S. (1999).
2. You need to identify and expand upon THREE KEY issues or themes covered in
the article. Each theme should be linked to marketing ethics and you can use
practical examples throughout your analysis.

1. Introduction: The THREE key issues should be identified. Please set out the structure of your
assignment here (150 Words).
2. Key Issue 1 (570 Words).
3. Key Issue 2 (570 Words).
4. Key Issue 3 (570 Words).
5. Conclusion (140 Words).

Answer preview

The article by Bradshaw and Zwick titled “The Field of Business Sustainability and the Death Drive: A Radical Intervention” addresses different issues associated with marketing: business sustainability, attitude-behaviour gap and responsible capitalism. The authors argue that business sustainability environment is ethically characterised by gap between ethical convictions and behaviour. From the viewpoint of psychoanalytic theory, the authors provide that the gap between behaviour and attitude can well be understood as an important constituent of ethics that makes it possible to understand business sustainability. By drawing from different scholarly sources and the case of Rockhound and Stampers in Armageddon, the article attempts to show what influences consumers to try doing the right, but fails to accomplish in the end.  In general terms, the authors suggest that the gap existing between behaviour and an authentically ethical view of sustainability that avoids counteracting the frightening actuality of its ethical reference point is a major characteristic in the area of business sustainability.

Word count: 2456