Key Terms: HRM Employee Empowerment


Key Terms: HRM Employee Empowerment


Choose one of the key terms on page 171.  List the meaning of the term and state at least one example of how you have experienced this area of Human Resources and how it has impacted your life.
Key terms:
  • Critical incident method
  • dejobbing
  • employee empowerment
  • employee teams
  • ergonomics
  • flextime
  • industrial engineering
  • job
  • job analysis
  • job characteristics model
  • job crafting
  • job description
  • job design
  • job enlargement
  • job enrichment
  • job rotation
  • job specification
  • position analysis questionnaire
  • task inventory analysis
  • telecommuting
  • virtual team

Answer preview

Employee empowerment generally has several definition but has been commonly defined as the process of allowing employee to act, behave, react , think and control their work in a more independent way, just like to be in control of own destiny. In this effect, employee empowerment has significant positive implication for the employee satisfaction and other organizational facets.  In most cases organizational managers feels that through empowering workers they relinquish leadership responsibilities and control. However, this is not the case because employee empowerment is a result of a culminated tenets and ideas of employee satisfaction that will be discussed in this paper.

Word count: 290