
Lead Reflection


The reflection will be divided into four sections:
Section 1: (4-5 paragraphs) Provide a brief summary of the day’s events. Your summary should include an explanation of the keynote speeches, plus the names and brief summaries of the workshops you attended.
Section 2: (2-3 paragraphs) Discuss how you might apply one concept, idea, or program you heard from the day
to your field agency and/or the clients it serves. Specifically, identify a social problem that inhibits or presents a
barrier for your clients. Consider how policy might address that barrier.
Section 3: (2-3 paragraphs) Describe one concept, idea, or program you heard from the day that you want to do
some work on later in your career. Discuss what that might look like. Will you incorporate it into your micro job? Will you spearhead a macro effort at your agency? Will you do this ‘on the side’ as a volunteer gig?
Section 4: (1-2 paragraphs) Write 2 questions you have related to any of the above that requires further research. What information do you need about some idea, concept, or program to understand it better? What nagging question about a social problem emerged for you? What do you need answered so that you will be a better macro (and micro) practitioner?

Answer preview

The conference focused on bringing attention the voting rights of Michigan voters. According to Sharon Dolente, citizens have the right to vote and those rights should not be infringed in anyway as citizens have a mandate to select the individuals they want to act as their representatives. Voter protection is a significant policy for the people of Michigan, because denying an individual this right is denying people their constitutional rights. The other agenda that was discussed during the workshop was about the 45 million individuals that are drowning in a collective of 1.6 trillion dollars in student debt in the nation today.

Word count: 1230