



Complete the exercise for Chapter 12 – 1.5 page limit single spaced. Your employees are skilled and experienced customer service representatives who perform nonroutine tasks, such as solving unique customer problems or meeting special needs with the company’s equipment. Use path-goal theory to identify the most appropriate leadership style(s) you should use in this situation. Be sure to describe path-goal leadership, fully explain your answer, and discuss why other styles are inappropriate.

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Leaders always take a very strong and limited approach (Hirt, 2016). While they are trying to clarify the path, they may often make direct or vague hints to the employees. On the other hand, while they are also trying to remove roadblocks, they also may opt to scour the path or even help the follow to be moving the bigger blocks. Even in increasing the rewards, they may also opt to offer seasonal encouragement or even make sure that they pave the same route with some touches of gold as such.

Word count: 910