



Reflecting on your own learning on this module, consider the extent to which the concepts and theories discussed have challenged or confirmed your initial views of leadership. Then, outline and discuss possibilities for your own future leadership development.

In your answer, you must draw on your learning log and two specific topics as discussed.

Answer preview

Leadership is the capability of the organization’s management to achieve and set challenging goals, take decisive and swift actions to surpass the competition, as well as prompt others to execute their duties well. Leadership is an imperative aspect for any organization, as proper leadership skills, as well as leadership styles guarantees that businesses have the ability to accomplish their mission, vision, aims and objectives.  The concepts and theories that I have learned in this module have both challenged and confirmed my initial views in regards to leadership. Viewing leadership in an employee perceptive seems like an easy task, as the only thing in such a view is the delegation of duties by the leaders in the organization.

Word count: 1030