Leadership and Organizational Culture


Leadership and Organizational Culture


Write a 10-12 page (not including references) paper double-spaced (12 pt, New Times Roman), using APA 5 th edition, on a topic based on one or more of the course’s learning outcomes.

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Leadership and organizational culture have a lot to do with employee engagement. This consequently empowers employees to be part of a progressive organization, where they will feel that their input is being taken into consideration. In order to prevent potential errors at the organization, the employees are empowered to keep abreast with any developments in their respective fields. This ensures that all employees remain psychologically committed to their duties. Organizational culture concerns itself with appreciation, and building a sense of community and support (Harris, 2015). The staff understands that the industry is constantly evolving, and the culture might at times prove confusing and daunting.

Word count: 3176