Leadership and Self-Confidence

Leadership and Self-Confidence


You need to select two of the topics discussed during the subject and use the knowledge you have acquired in class and from reading other relevant textbooks to analyze the issues/problems in a key interpersonal relationship.

In this assignment, you should demonstrate that you are familiar with relevant theory and have read extensively. You also need to show that you are able to apply this theory to your own specific interpersonal issue or problem and use it to explain what has occurred and provide practical solutions. You should also try to implement some solutions and indicate, in your assignment, how successful these were. A good assignment will also critically evaluate the theory in terms of its relevance for the issues in the interpersonal relationship. The word limit for this assignment is 2000 -2200 words. A reference list must be included and references should be correctly cited.

Answer Preview 

Leadership and self-confidence are integral components of interpersonal relationships, particularly in conflict resolution. Conflicts could emerge in schools, family workplaces, and other places. This paper will focus on a case of interpersonal relationships viewed from a leadership and self-confidence aspect in a scholarly setting. The paper highlights a scenario involving vested interest in group assignments and a lack of subjectivity in group activities. To address the topic of leadership, Strategic Contingencies Theory is discussed in the light of the problem involving students and the instructor.

Word Count: 2,500