Leadership in Organizations


Leadership in Organizations


Write an essay discussing the importance and the application of each for understanding and managing organizational behavior. Use text book and 2 credible sources (use APA style for reference) to discuss the principle, theories, and current development related to the topic. Each response should first summarize the range of issues subsumed within the board of organizational behavior selected, then focus in depth in a particular aspect of the topic area that interests you
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Leadership has to do with creating the vision and goals for an organization. Leaders are visionaries who come up with different types of goals for their firms. Managers, on the other hand, are tasked with finding ways of implementing the goals created by the leaders. While leaders innovate and invent new ideas, managers arrange the workflow and assign tasks to employees in ways that will fulfill the leader’s objectives without compromising quality (Toor, 2011). While leaders have to have a deep sense of their company’s place within the industry, and the importance of being ahead of other business rivals in order to remain competitive, managers have to understand the different abilities of their workers, and determine how to assign tasks in ways that will allow each employee to operate at optimum capacity (Toor, 2011).

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