Leadership Styles in China and Nigeria


Leadership Styles in China and Nigeria


Pages   8, Harvard format, 20+ references

Critically review recent literature relating to leadership and management styles for China and Nigeria. Relate this literature to your own experience of leading and managing the team, and being led and managed by other team members. Include in your discussion any cross-cultural issues which arose and how they were dealt with.
To answer this essay question you should:
Review some journal articles relating to management and leadership styles and from them
(and the lecture slides) derive the key theories and models.
Do this critically by seeing whether the various authors agree or disagree on the challenges
and the way to solve them.
Make sure you characterise clearly the cultures of your team members, or at least three
cultures represented there, using appropriate cross-cultural models
 Note the key differences and see how they would be expected to affect the management
and leadership of the team
Relate these models to your experience of working in your multicultural team, both as
manager and being managed.

Answer preview

Managing organizations in today’s multicultural business environments is challenging, primarily because the manager must understand and strive to be sensitive to the various cultural dimensions represented in a workforce. However, in the wake of globalization, there is need for managers to be competent to lead teams and organizations in cross-cultural setting, by making all the people feel that they are in the right place, in spite of the varying cultural backgrounds and norms (Berg, 2012). Leaders of business organizations are interested in enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of other organizations. Such success depends on how well the leader can manage the culturally diverse workplace. The organizational performance is also affected by the leadership style adopted by the leader.

An organization crucially depends on its leadership style for success. It is crucial to the realization of set goals and objectives. According to Stahl (2010), the entirety of firm lies in the capacity of its leadership. To be precise, right leadership steers an organization to its desired level. World economies like China have an elaborate leadership plan that defines their growth, and to a more considerable extent, the management style outlines the specific role they play in the global set up (Menges et al., 2011). Nigeria is the second largest economy in Africa after South Africa, and the West African nation has earned its place due to the clear leadership structure. Modern management means international management because it applies to a universal group of people.

Word count: 2495, 2877