Legal Business Environment (Lawsuits)


Legal Business Environment (Lawsuits)


Read pages 36-58 of Legal Environment of Business.

Consider the following as you read: 

  • Business is subject to lawsuits, but where can those lawsuits be filed? Jurisdiction determines this and is a strategy from where business operates. As you read this chapter, think about global organizations and how a lawsuit would be filed or settled if the lawsuit pertained to acts committed abroad.

Write a 200-word post.

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From this reading, it is clear that one of the greatest fears a business person has about getting sued. Lawsuits can come from the customers, stakeholders, and even employees. For instance, a client can sue a company for broken goods for reimbursement; tenant can sue land lord for eviction and business partners can file law suit for dissolution. From this chapter, it is also clear that Lawsuit is complicated which is affected by the mix of state and federal law. When in dispute, it is important to be aware and figure out whether there is the right to file a lawsuit against that person or business.

Word count: 211