Lewin’s “Change Management” theory(British Airways)
All students should:
- Ensure that they are allocated as a seminar leader for one seminar during the normal term dates (shown below). Students who fail to confirm themselves for a valid seminar session will fail that element of the coursework.
- Students are required to:
- For the seminar topic allocated to them by their tutor, write and submit (on the day of their seminar by 23:55 hrs. at the latest)) a 1,500-word individual essay or report as specified above.
- Manage their nominated seminar together with the other seminar leaders, to achieve the assessment described above.
- Attend all seminars as either seminar leaders or participants.
Answer Preview
According to (Mrashak, 2005), “change” is inescapable in any business establishment regardless of its size, and therefore; effective “change” management is indispensable. Operational management of “change” ensures that the organization conforms to the ever-changing political, social, and economic situations. The numerous kinds of “changes” that consist of organizational changes, structural changes, and changes in formulation, objectives, services, planning, and services that require active management. The increased flexibility in an organization’s operations results in enhanced adaptation to the changes and the persons involved in the operations of the enterprise has a better understanding of the transformation.
Word Count: 1600