Livestock Sustainability in Brazil


Livestock Sustainability in Brazil


1.Write a research paper 8 to 10 pages (double-spaced), plus references, drawing upon both class readings and extensive research on the topic.
2. At least 5 peer-reviewed research articles (including course readings), books, book chapters.
Plus any other material from grey literature, institutions, NGOs, etc, relevant to your topic.
3. The paper is meant to be a critical analysis of a topic.
4. Choose a case study, focusing on either a country or a topic of your interest in order to provide a solid analytical understanding of the chosen topic.
5. Choose a topic that relates to the intersection development and sustainability.
6. Analyze the different narratives that exist about the issue: identify the actors and how they frame the problem
7. Discuss these narratives in light of what you have learned in this course, connect your discussion with specific concepts/frameworks/ideas from course content
8. Discuss/analyze the topic in light of course content/concepts/approaches
10. APA style.

Answer preview

Policy-making is purely a bureaucratic and administrative process that incorporates the views of all the stakeholders in the concerned industry. In that case, political influence becomes essential in ensuring that the policy works to address particular issues of concerns. Policy-making process and implementation is an entirely technical procedure that calls for commitment from all the quarters (Halasz and Michel, 2011). For instance, evidence-based policies require the input of experts in the relevant field in a bid to ease the process of decision-making. In most cases, there are always overlapping and competing agendas which lead to a clash of interests and disagreements among the stakeholders over what significant policy problem should be addressed.

Word count: 2983