



Write a research paper on Malaria

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As indicated, the protozoa of the genus plasmodium causes while mosquitoes transmit the disease to humans.  According to the history of malaria, in the past it was hard to establish the mode of malaria transmission. Some of the cultures presumed that malaria resulted from polluted air, disregarding that fact that the smelly swamps that caused the air pollution created perfect breeding places for the mosquitoes. However, in1880, medical experts discovered the protozoa parasites that cause malaria in an infected individual’s blood. A Plasmodium that in the genus of protozoa has various stages in its lifespan that comprise of sporozoites, merozoites and gametocytes. Once a female anopheles mosquito bites a human, it spreads the organism at the sporozoite phase into the person’s body that travels through the bloodstream and eventually, attacks the liver (Staines & Krishna, 2012). The parasites start generating merozoites through a multiplication process and later, the moerozoites desert the liver.

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