Management Concepts (1 and 2)


Management Concepts (1 and 2)


‘The Leadership challenges of James Riady’ (leading/leadership at the Lippo Group), available from page 363-364. of your text book.
You are expected to address the following objectives in your report:
1. From your initial understanding of the case context/background at the Lippo Group (James Riady) case, outline one (1) Management Issue (problem, challenge or opportunity) that would be relevant to managers in relation to leading/leadership. Use Chapter 12 Leading from your Textbook/Week 7 course site resources to assist with identifying a relevant research area. Also, remember to consider the SWOT analysis tool;
2. Source relevant academic literature (at least 5 Journal Articles) that relate to views/ arguments/ themes about your chosen Management Issue;
3. Use the academic literature to support your claim that the Management Issue identified can be considered to be a relevant issue;
4. Identify a relevant Theory/Model that relates to the Management Issue identified, suitably explains the existence of the issue, and helps you to understand the issue;
5. Use the academic literature to assist in critically discussing your chosen explanation and choice of Theory/Model in a balanced manner;
6. Indicate how the academic literature proposes the Management Issue you identified could be addressed through a Recommendation.

Answer preview

Organizations have the obligation to act socially responsible in order to protect the interests of both external stakeholders and the corporations. Notably, this is one of the challenges many organization leaders encounter especially if they have developments in foreign countries. Organization leaders with developments in foreign countries face a number of obstacles regarding economic, cultural and political development. Stringent solutions to these challenges fall within the self-interest of most global organizations in which the ethical beliefs and values of their leaders come into play (Yukl, 2012). It is apparent that the leadership strategy that is adopted by most of the multinational corporations largely impacts the attitudes of their followers as well as the stakeholders. This can have a positive or negative influence in the organization’s image.

Word count: 1345