Management Concepts (Question and Answer)


Management Concepts (Question and Answer)


What is the context (case facts), relating to and/or leading you, to your chosen Management Issue? Are there any case symptom/s that are important to framing the case?

– What is the Management Issue?
-Why is the Management Issue worthy of research? );
– What is the structure of this report?
-Why is the Management Issue indeed an issue? (for the organisation and in the general research);
-Why is it worthy of further research? (expansion of the Introduction brief statement, substantiating the issue’s importance).
– What does research show has happened with similar Management Issues elsewhere?
– What is the Theory/Model that is most relevant?
– How does the Theory/Model explain the Management Issue?
– What criticism or alternative/opposite views exist?
-Why is the chosen Theory/Model still relevant?
– What does the literature suggest can be done to resolve the Management Issue?
– What evidence of success exists?
– How do those suggestions apply to the case Management Issue?
-What suggestion/s do I recommend for Lippo Group (James Riady)?

Answer preview

What is the Management Issue?
The management issue in this case has to do with containing the risks that The Lippo Group may face as it expands into other nations. The most obvious risk, in this regard, has to do with the leadership styles that are used by The Lippo Group’s Deputy Chairman James Riady in different branches of his company. There is also the need to improve Riady’s international image in order to ensure that other business managers are prepared to collaborate with him in different ventures.

Why is the Management Issue worthy of research?
This management issue is worthy of research because it is only after finding out issues that should be addressed before expanding that the company’s managers will be able to make the changes that will ensure that it remains productive.

Word count: 1041