Management Personality


Management Personality


List your personality type as the paper title. On the same website, investigate the various job preferences, tendencies, strengths and weaknesses, etc. Discuss the following questions in your paper:

      • What challenges do you have with others on the job, at school, or at home that you now see may relate to your unique personality style?
      • Describe your biggest strength and weaknesses in the workplace as well as how you plan to deal with this new information.
      • How does this “new perspective” on your personality potentially make you a better employee and/or manager?

Answer preview

In the workplace, I usually face the challenge of being intuitive hence I cannot agree with some of my workmates on certain issues that needs critical thinking. Some of my colleagues think that I have acquired knowledge without evidence, proof or conscious reasoning. Others think that I have acquired knowledge without knowing how the knowledge was acquired.

Word count: 344