Management questions


Management questions


There are 4 questions on this exam worth 20 points

 The questions have been selected based on the lectures and required reading from William Shaw and Vincent Barry, Moral Issues in Business, 11th edition.

Short Answer: Provide a short answer and full sentences to each of the following questions.  Remember to use the Rule of 3.

Answer Preview 

Marketing of alcoholic beverages to the college age population in college campuses raises moral or ethical questions that must be addressed, in an effort to objectively determine if such an act is right. The claim that the marketing efforts may be to blame for alcoholic abuse tendencies among students at present and later years in their lives may not be written off entirely. Perhaps it is not entirely unreasonable to state that marketing of alcoholic beverages to college students is a controversial issue. The business would generate sales and develop customer loyalty, but such a result would be in addition to the possibility of creating alcohol addicts, an undesirable situation in the society.  This issue may be analyzed by following Shaw and Barry’s five conditions (97).

Word Count: 1500