Managing Bullying in High Schools


Managing Bullying in High Schools


Community crisis and intervention
(i.e., school violence, natural disaster, terror attach, suicide pack):
1) Select one crisis situation
2) Crisis assessment
3) Crisis intervention

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The modern community is faced with a myriad of socio-economic and political challenges. One of such crises which the contemporary society has had to deal with is bullying in schools. Bullying in schools is one of the most prevalent challenges facing schools in the modern times. Bullying essentially entails any form or aggressive or unwanted behavior of a perpetrator towards the victim, which aimed at intimidating or harming the recipient or target of such a behavior (Puhl, Peterson & Luedicke, 2012). The problem of bullying can take a wide range of forms. Bullying in schools as explored in this paper related to the aggressive behavior targeted to students by fellow students. It is therefore perpetuated by students who are keen on tormenting their fellow students. To this end, this paper describes school bullying as one of the most serious and contemporary community crisis, and presents pertinent t facts such as statistics on prevalence and effects of bullying in schools, as well as prevention measures.

Word count: 3216