Managing Organizational Change- Strategic Planning


Managing Organizational Change- Strategic Planning


Write an essay discussing the importance and the application of each for understanding and managing organizational behavior. Use textbook and 2 credible sources (use APA style for reference) to discuss the principle, theories, and current development related to the topic. Each response should first summarize the range of issues subsumed within the board of organizational behavior selected, then focus in-depth on a particular aspect of the topic area that interests you

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Another reason for companies creating strategic plans has to do with the restructuring of the organization. According to Greenberg (2010), the majority of companies that restructure their operations do so because they need to focus on central core processes and outsource secondary tasks (p. 564). For instance, high-tech companies can outsource janitorial duties in order to concentrate on providing improved services to their customers. When organizations make strategic plans to offshore or outsource some responsibilities, they are also looking to capitalize on lower labor costs by hiring skilled workers from other nations (Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson, 2011).

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