Managing People- Perceived Organizational Support (POS)


Managing People- Perceived Organizational Support (POS)


You are required to write case analysis that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of a core theory from the unit. You have a choice of two (2) theories – only choose one (1) of the following:
1. Perceived Organisational Support
2. Organisational Justice

You will need to recall, describe and analyse an example from your own working life, and use one of the above theories to explain how and why the theory has something to offer in terms of providing constructive advice for more effective organisational behaviour in the future. Remember, this case analysis is about demonstrating your understanding of the theory you choose to write about, so it is critical that you think carefully about a work situation or experience, and what sorts of insights each of the theories could offer to
improve organisational effectiveness in the future.

Answer preview

Perceived Organizational Support or POS can be described as the workforce insight in regards to the scope to which the company values the employees input and minds about the employees interests. Perceived organization support is said to have significant consequences on employee well-being and performance.  Eisenberger et al (1986) in a research conducted on Perceived Organization Support observed that in the instance where managers are mindful of their employee’s commitment to the company, the employees are more likely to be focused on the company’s commitment to them. Shore & Shore, (1995), established that workers develop perceived organizational support so as to meet the desires for esteem, approval and association, as well as to review the advantages of advanced work exertion.

Word count: 1754